Friday, May 8, 2009

Go to KC, MO, USA

Thank God

God really saved my dad and I in a car crash a couple years back. If not for God- i probably wouldn't be alive right now, and neither would he.
If you know anything about freemasonry or any occultic relations please give me a buzz.

Good Morning

Hi everyone. I just want to encourage you to trust God. Thank God for His mercy, or people like you and me who were sinners would be doomed! But thank God for the Cross of Christ, thank God for His undeserved Mercy, thank God for His Power, and thank God He loves us. So I just want to encourage you to take all your fears, problems, hurts, pain , and struggles, bad habits or whatever to God, and Just ask Him to take them away, or help you or whatever you watn to ask Him for .An trust Him to do it! Remember that there's nothing we can do to make God love us, because He loved us before we loved Him at all. When we were dirty and confused, and all that, and when we were living as though we hated HIm. ut thank God He is a redeemer, and that He redeems our life from the pit, like it says in Ps 103, and from the miry clay like it says in Ps 40. Thank God He is stronger andbigger than us and He can do all the impossible. So trust Him today with you impossible situations. And may God prove HImself as a doer of the IMPOSSIBLE. Love you, bye.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Just a thought - World Revival School

Hi. A note about something on my mind. I'm thinking about going to wRSm (world revival school of ministry) when September comes. I'm in my laast year at school. And i'm seriously thinking of thinking of going there for three years. If anyone has any advice please drop a line in, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Revival Video

Here's a good video to see. GOd bless/