Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Prodigal Son

A young teenage boy, confused, yet hopeful, enters into a conference centre, not exactly knowing what to expect. All he know is that a deliverance conference is going to be held. As he approaches the area where the conference is he hears... worship? It's so familiar. Something inside of him wishes that he could still worship God like that , but he feels...dead? stepping inside eHe follows the crowd, maybe sees a couple people he used to know, but now...Inside, there's a place packed with people, he is directed to stand somewherein the crowd.
The songs are familiar, the atmosphere too. Something in the back of his mind tells him- how I would have loved to be part of this at another time of my life... it almost feels like it was another person... Yet stillwatching the band play and sing,being among so many poeple who He thinks know God - now who is that again, what's He like- but just because he wants freedom, he wants change he wants to know God, he starts singing as best he can, hoping...jumping up clapping , all he can do. There's something happening...
Soon the worship time is "finished" and the speaker begins to talk. It's someone familiar, who perhaps he knew before, but now it seeems as though he is so distant. The sermon seems so amazing, but it seems as though He talks about things once he may have know before, but know (hearing God's voice...serving God your all....did he already give up on all this....?). He preached about finding jobs in Barbados,... being self sufficient.... being free to worship...ah, I remember many times of trying to raise my hands but.... But I still feel so far....Another time that week somebody read a prpohecy given abotu Barbados, an island of prayer....oh no...that strickes a note somewhere in my memory that has long been stifles with all manner of pleasures and imaginings...I want My people to come together in prayer....still so far away. But that night, there is a call foranyone who needs prayer, a specific call. The boy's spirit somewhere inside had longed for such a fulfillment, a change. He'd tried everything to get what he once had. that feeling of love of fulfillment, food, lying to himself, .... But he didn't even have to thin for himself, thank God because something would have probably stopped him from moving. He found himself in fron tof everyone, not really worried about what people think . And all he said was "should I tell you what the problem is?" "If you want to.." the pastor said, with something called love on his face. "Well, I used to know God, but I don't really know what happened..." replied the boy. "You know something. I love you." said the pastor. And he proceeded to pull the boy toward himself, and calling on the congregation to do the same, prayed for him.
The boy was subsequently led to a private room, where another pastor, led the boy to the truth. Such kindness would never be forgotten, and the boy , over the next seven days would receive ministry, and healing, and would be drawn again back to His Father. Even despite the fact that the devil kept him from listening to or concentrating during the teachings, he still received when he needed to receive healing and deliverance, and back into His Father's House he went.

And the father said unto his servants, Bring forth the first robe, and clothe him, and give a ring for his hand, and sandals for the feet;

23and having brought the fatted calf, kill [it], and having eaten, we may be merry,

24because this my son was dead, and did live again, and he was lost, and was found; and they began to be merry.

Thank You Jesus for Your Blood, which washes away all our sins, and which makes us whole once again. Love all you who read this. Don't give up hope. You are not forgotten. Much more Your Father has never left you, and never will. His Mercy endures forever, and His eyes remain on you. Receive His Mercy and His Grace.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I Have a Maker

Hi everyone. I was just practising some songs for when I have a to sing, and I came across a video showing a family with their precious grandfather ( it was played to this song) and they were all just around her all the time, especially when she was hospitalised. I didn't want to post it here- it was kinda personal, but it kinda shows us how we should love others you know, it reminded me of what we are supposed to be doing. Locing others as Christ loved us. You ccame to visit me when I was sick. He hurts for us when we hurt. Just how the whole body suffers when one member suffers, how much more the Head? You konw. so let's now forget those who are sick ,pray for them . life them up to Jesus, never lose hope. He'll never leave you nor forsake you.
"Before I formed you int he womb I knew you."

Here are some more pictures from out ISCF!

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ISCF Shoe boxes for Haiti/Honduras/ DomREo

The Qc ISCF to help out the United Caribbean Trustin Barbados, put together some shoe boxes donated by children in the school. We put together clothes, toys, soap, tooth brushes etc. into boxes which will be sent off to Honduras with some missionaries to give to the children in need. ( Ineed to finish wrapping the boxes mind you.....:( }Any way, here are some pictures, Upwards ^^II is a shirt
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Today Tuesday

Today I spent the day at school. I felt particularly moved to pray - revival is coming in the land. My friends think so too. I had an exam this morning which, by God's Grace i got through, and afterward I had preparations made for the exam that i was reminded I had the following 2 periods. Thanks be to God, I was not required to do this exam. I did however, made plans for when I wil do it - it 's tomorrow, and then the oral part is next week tuesday. I helped my friend with her oral, I need to do mine. then at lunch time, I didn't really eat much I  had to make preparations for my teacher's birthday. Anyway My friend an dI we prayed, and then I went to fix things up, and afterwrds, I had two exams at the same time,  so I did the one that I thought ould be best to do. Then  after school, I felt more convinced that My friends and I should start to seek God together at school. Imagine what could happen! REvival could break out! Healing could take place! Anyway after school I was blessed to be able to ake much head way in my Caribbean Studies Project wich I've been postponing for along time. It's amazing how God can work things out so beautifully. It's Youth Megafest season in Barbados. That means lots a praying, lots a praising and lot's of God. My friends and I are starting to come around. We are planing to strat praying more. Our ISCF need it. I want to put in my prayer requests everyday in the Pramm box (that means Praying Moms Ministry?).  Anyway, I'm just glad that I won't be deceived . I was oncerned about that. But I really need God alot more than I thought. I really really  need Him right now. and I will forever. 
Tomorrow is a busy day 2 french exams, a spanish exams and a spanish Class. May the Blood of Jesus and God's Grace be with me and everyone else who is doing it. Tomorrow and Freiday are off days. That means no ISCF. but that's ok. We can still pray. For anyone else who is struggling with any thing, any sin, any stronghold or whatever, Know that God's mercy endureth forever, and He is Good. Just tell Him everything, don't hide anything for Him. I'm told what we hide and don't confess can keep us in bondage and how true that is. Anyway, just keep praying. God be with you, and may His peace a grace be upon you. Come Lord Jesus. Come

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Mercy of God

As children of God, we have the authority to bind and to loose. Jesus, having been given all authority in heaven and on earth, has allowed us as His Children to be a ble to have authority over Satan who has bee ndefeated. We can order spirits to leave us. But certain things like unforgiveness, unconfessed sins, unrighteous situations, e.g. promises unkept, pride, sexual sins undelt with, soul ties ( e.g  if someone molested you, thats a bad thing!), being involved withthe occult, idolatry and other situations which can allow open doors  for the enemy, through which the devil has  legal rights, i to enter into your life,  and  do as he pleases, which is, quite frankly,  a bad thing. "In your anger do not sin, do not give the devil a foot hold." "He who commits adultery has no understanding"- it opens a door to the devil. God listed a whole deal of curses, which were caused by disobediance, in Deuteronomy 27 . When we do certain things, we get curses. (That was however, under the Mosaic law which was put in place for a time ( "a school teacher" as it termed in the New Testament), until the coming of Christ  However at the same time, which must not expect that if we commit abominations  in the sight of God, everything will be perfectly alright after we ask for forgiveness. We will be forgiven, but sometimes we need more than that. "Create in me a pure heart O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51 : 10  . There was obviously something abit more than just God forgive me. "Restore unto me the joy of salvation, and grant me a willing spiriti to sustain me." verse twelve. sometimes I think we need to ask for more than just forgiveness, and cleansing with the blood of Jesus. But in any case what I'm trying to bring out here , is that sin is a problem, a BIG  problem. I mean, the fact that Jesus hasd to DIE  on THE CROSS should really tell us something. "Without shedding of blood, there can be no remission of sin"   But notice, that Jesus was appointed to die ONCE,   NOT twice, or three times. wHEN hE DIED it meant something for the entire universe. Heaven and Hell were both shaken by it. It was not just some prophet being  crucified and buried. It was the very Son of God, who was there since the beginning of time. And that is a lot of love. He is not a figment of our imagination but He is an eternal Saviour. But notice that we have the STRONG and ETERNAL  authority, WEAPONS OF WAREFARe which are MIGHTY  for TEARING DOWN strongholds, PRINCIPALITIES  and  POWERS, WE HAVE AUTHORITY OVER THE THINGS OF  DARKNESS.  But please, we cannot be walking in darkness, and cast out darkness as well! How can Satan cast out Satan ! it just won't work. But don't be deceived though, God is ALL POWERFUL,  He has REDEEMED US, and WE ARE FOREVER REDEEMED.  Thanks for listening . God bless.